Alchemical Human Evolution
Together We'll Build Wholeness
The dynamic combination of astrology and psychology has the potential to stimulate a transformative process at the deepest levels of our personal and collective psyche. This synthesis will represent a major revolution in how we perceive and experience the world in coming years. -Diane Seaman Poitier

About Alchemical Human Evolution
Both astrology and regression therapy have the potential to help people live more fully in the present. Both are tools for soul making, empowering the soul to express its optimal potential on earth. Astrology is not about focusing on the future through predictions. It is about self-knowledge and taking full responsibility for one’s life. Past Life Therapy is not about living in the past. It is also about living more fully in the present by releasing what is still unconsciously trapping our energy. The great spiritual teachings across all religions emphasize living fully in the present moment. I’ve always loved the saying, “If you take care of the moment, you take care of eternity.
The task of life is to be fully embodied, to bring body and soul together in a unified whole. An aspect of that, in my opinion, is being as conscious as possible of all aspects of oneself, and living from a balanced, conscious wholeness. Both psychological astrology and regression therapy are tools to assist in that process.

“Astrology is no mere addition to the stock of knowledge: what is involved here is a new way of perceiving, a new way of evaluating, and a new way of understanding. There is, so to speak, a cosmic vantagepoint from which timeworn problems can be scrutinized anew, with fresh solutions suggesting themselves. We see, as if for the first time, what human nature is, what is afoot in the world, why things happen as they do.”